content marketing

  • 5 Things To Stop Doing In Business Now That It’s 2022

    Whenever a new year comes, we always like to remind ourselves of starting anew—finding new hobbies, creating habits, exploring the wilderness. A brand new year initiates a better version of us. And it extends to everything we do.

    Business owners know how tedious the new year can be for their hustle. Recent trends, challenges, and tactics need to be addressed. But businesses are supposed to adapt. And it gives you a chance to jump-start for a new beginning.

    But we’re doing it every year—we plan for new things to do, and it builds up over time. You may not notice them initially, but some habits block growth. To seize 2022 for the best version of your biz, here’s a guide on the things you should ditch this year.

    1. Letting Chaos Reign

    The last two years took a toll on the economy. Businesses were affected; while some had to close down permanently, others survived. We have been adapting to the new way of hustle for a while now, and businesses developed certain habits that keep them thriving. However, there are instances that we are getting used to the “survival mode.”

    Companies faced a lot of difficulties from the pandemic. And a part of survival is the acceptance of defeat and, sometimes, using the situation as an excuse. Taking it as a part of your new routine is unacceptable. Instead, you should take responsibility for what happened and turn them into something more beneficial. While you cannot control the world, you can choose how you react.

    You cannot always choose your battles. But you are responsible for making something out of the unexpected. 

    2. Doing the Same Routine & Getting By 

    2022 is not the time to claim that ‘it is what it is.’ Your business survived difficult times, and it can do so much more. You may have realized that some parts of your routine didn’t work well with the situation by this time. Your old habits got you through the challenges of the past, but you have to move on. 

    The world’s current situation shifted, and so your business should be. Settling for your old routine may only get you through. But a new year means new possibilities. 

    Instead of settling for mediocrity, learn from your experiences. It’s time to cultivate the knowledge you’ve acquired from the ‘survival mode,’ assess the pros and cons of your situation and turn it into a new habit. Give credit for your past for making this far and provide more space for improvement.

    Adapt, innovate, and rise above the challenges that brought you where you are right now.

    3. Micromanaging

    Taking control when in distress is normal. You want to lessen the damage and make sure you can get through it all. And as entrepreneurs, you only want the best for your biz and team. However, it can cause a lot of problems over time. 

    It’s understandable for you to set standards for your team. But hovering over everything they do is damaging. Not only can it display your lack of trust, but it also causes you inefficiency in your role. Micromanaging harms you and your team’s performance. It destroys your focus on the greater work you should be doing because of worrying about the bits you already handed down. Or would you prefer to do everything?

    Instead, lead by example and build trust. Show your team you are focused on your role. And not only through management, but in doing your part in the business. Also, build trust among your employees, especially in the work that they should do. Stop micromanaging– you hired them for a reason, and you should cultivate that.

    4. Underestimating Automation

    At this time, do you still believe that things are better done manually?

    Sure, there are a lot of things that should be manually operated. But when it comes to businesses, shifts happen. The digital age provides a lot of opportunities for automation. It is a fast-paced industry that continues to develop, and it’s time to take advantage of that. 

    The pandemic may have caused you to work remotely. Now, you’re a pro when it comes to Zoom meetings. But it doesn’t stop there. Parts of your operations should be automated, such as engagement, leads, sales, and even simple office tasks. Not only does it minimize your need to hire employees, but it can also optimize your time and budget for these specific processes. 

    According to CRMSide, “88% of Small and Midsize Businesses (SMBs) say automation allows them to move faster, close leads quickly, spend less time on busywork, reduce errors, and offer better customer service.” Automation reduces dread from certain activities to focus on more important work.

    5. Worrying About the Future

    We can never be particular about many things, especially in the future. It’s normal to worry about what we don’t want to lose. But that alone cannot solve anything. One thing the pandemic all taught us is preparedness is key to everything. According to a study from the  International Business Machines (IBM), businesses in the pre-pandemic era didn’t value crisis management, workforce resiliency, cost management, enterprise agility, etc. But today, it is part of the most critical business aspects. 

    The prioritization shift has become a way to prepare businesses to survive in a post-pandemic world. Along with these is the emergence of digitalization which can cause cybersecurity issues. The World Economic Forum’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022 suggests cyber resilience, especially SMBs. 

    Your business’ future is uncertain. But preparation can always help ease your worries while securing your safety in the coming days.  

    Final Words

    The past year’s theme was ‘unexpected,’ use this to your advantage. You have learned a lot before. It’s time to turn those lessons into action today. There is always room for improvement, but it only happens when you let it.

    In the words of Michael Altshuler, “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Take charge of your actions and always thrive for the better. Outside factors may hinder you from success, but how you take it determines your resilience. And that’s what’s more important. 

    Stop trying to do things that don’t serve you well. Maximize your business potential– you survived and now have a better understanding of what’s to come this year. Why would you want to settle for mediocre habits when you can do better?


  • A Beginner’s Complete Guide to SEO

    Have you ever wondered how many blog posts are published every day for SEO purposes?

    In WordPress alone, there are millions of articles posted a day, which means a couple of blog posts go out every second, with the many users WordPress has. And that’s only for WordPress. If we include other platforms, there will be way more than that.

    So, why is blogging utilized by businesses for their websites or online platforms? It’s
    because ranking on the front page of Google search is one of the deciding
    factors for business success.

    Showing up on the front page of the search engine proves that your website or page is getting more traffic than the rest of your competitors in your niche.

    This marketing technique is what we call Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

    What is SEO?

    By definition, SEO stands for search engine optimization, which we can put as the art of ranking high in a particular search engine through organic traffic.

    It is the process of optimizing your online content, such as the design and writing, so
    that Google and other search engines will show your content at the top result of searches of a specific keyword.

    To explain it further, there are three elements to it: first is your content, second is
    the search engine, and third will be the searcher.

    Let’s say you have an article about Scandinavian home décor, and you want the search engine to show it at the top result to people who would search for the phrase ‘Scandinavian décor’. Manipulating the SEO is the magic that will make your content move to the top of Google’s front page. So you should consider using keywords that are possible search terms by someone who might be interested in your content.

    Sounds easy, right? But that’s not all that there is.

    SEO Strategies

    For some, SEO sounds like something you can do in a blink of an eye – because it’s known as the magic that ranks pages high on Google search. But it is way more than that.

    It’s a long-term commitment to work on your platform’s SEO game before you can rank
    high on search engines.

    There are two ways you can work on SEO, one is a white hat or SEO for the long haul,
    while the other one is black hat or something like a get-rich-quick scheme.

    Getting traffic may not be that easy without the help of SEO, but it’s possible with Black Hat techniques.

    Black Hat Techniques

    With this type of SEO, content marketers only focus on optimizing content for the sake of
    ranking in search engines, not considering the target audience at all. In other
    words, we break the rules to rank high in search engines to get fast cash.

    However, this approach is frowned upon as it often results in spammy pages that can be
    banned fast. Or worse, it can lead to a punishment that takes away the chance
    to scale your online platform.

    Some of the ways content marketers use to dodge rules through Black Hat SEO are stated

    • Redirecting the user to another site
    • Including Duplicate Content
    • Inserting Invisible Content
    • Linking to Sites with Non-Relevant Content
    • Stuff Content with Keywords

    White Hat Techniques

    If you want to start with a clean slate and you don’t mind dedicating some time to build a
    sustainable online business, then White Hat SEO is for you. Doing this requires
    content marketers to focus on what their target audience really needs.

    Google has its own algorithm and using white hat techniques is playing by the rules of
    the search engine. Here are some of the ways you can produce the best possible
    content for SEO:

    • Create Relevant Content
    • Include Relevant Links and References
    • Label Images Properly
    • Write Complete Sentences with Good Grammar and Spelling
    • Write Unique and Relevant Page Titles


    This is what makes digital marketing, SEO to be exact, so fun and interesting. It’s a
    competition. And it’s a matter of which technique you use to rank high on Google’s front page.

    However, SEO is also unpredictable as search engine rules and algorithms change all the
    time. That’s why there are other techniques that resurface aside from Black Hat and White Hat, including guest posting. But ultimately, what matters is that marketing tactics must be scalable to generate ROI for your business.

    Previously published on The Smitten Wordsmith.