Here’s the truth: editing isn’t really fun. Sometimes, it’s the worst part of the writing routine. Bloggers spend a lot of time reading about editing tips and hacks and little time actually doing the work.

But here’s another (bitter) truth: Every written word needs to be edited.

Let’s start with the Why

Your blog could be a travel blog, food blog, fashion blog, or one filled with movie reviews or book reviews, or music. Whatever your niche is, your blog reflects your personality or your business. After all, blogging is a form of content marketing that is critical for growing your business. You wouldn’t want your readers to lose confidence in you or your brand because of errors in your blog post. Even an itsy-bitsy typo can affect your entire blog and your brand along with it. So no matter how tedious it is, you must always, always, always edit before you hit publish!

Read, edit, repeat

You’ve got the idea, you’ve thought of a catchy title, now let’s work on making your readers give a damn. If you’re doing the editing on your own, you can do this: once you’ve finished your draft, read it like a reader and not as a writer. Does the post sound interesting? Do the words go well together? Is the writing style consistent?

Fixing typos and spelling mistakes is just the beginning. Editing goes way beyond proofreading. It’s about making sure that your written word is readable, relatable, and engaging. Even if your post is of perfect grammar and free of any spelling mistakes and typo errors, your readers will still lose interest if you can’t get your point across clearly and briefly. So, clarify and condense. Make life easy and keep everything simple.

Editing also means fact-checking. Your reputation as a writer can be damaged in a snap because of fake news. Get your facts straight before writing them down.

So typos, spelling, grammar, facts. These are just a few of the things you need to check while editing. The list goes on and on and on.

Feeling the pressure yet?

A Fresh Perspective

Editing may be done by the writer or by an outsider. Having someone else do it for you is often more valuable, even if you’re a good editor yourself. You see, when you’re editing your own work, it’s easy to overlook errors because your brain automatically fills in the blanks of what you meant to say. If you want higher-quality content, get an editor. Editors will check everything, down to the last detail, and revise your post so that your message gets across clearly.

You’re probably thinking, “Why can’t I just use an editing software?” Communication. A human editor can get a sense of your meaning more so than any software. You need to communicate with your editor to express your thoughts and put them on paper. Real editors, better results.

Since we’ve already established that editing is more complicated than it seems, getting an editor means saving a lot of time and allowing you to focus on other responsibilities.

Final Say

If you want to improve your content, don’t skip the edit! And while you know about your topic or your brand more than anyone in the world, you might still need help getting your point across. Sometimes, it takes an outsider to make your post remarkably readable. Don’t let lousy writing wreck your reputation and that of your brand!

“To write is human, to edit is divine.” — Stephen King, On Writing